2024 Winter Guard Scores

The embedded web app database and dashboard below contains scores, captions scores, rankings, schedules, and additional metrics for the 2024 winter guard season. Included are all scores and recaps for Winter Guard International (WGI) Regionals and World Championships as well as scores from 40+ circuits around the country. More information about the circuits included is on the bottom of this page.

Wait a few seconds for embedded dashboard to load or view it directly on Looker Studio. Note: it is recommended to view the dashboard with a desktop browser as certain features and navigation may not be fully supported by some mobile browsers/devices.

The above dashboard contains scores from the following circuits from the 2024 season. Note that scores from some circuits are not possible to include due to the format in which they are posted on the circuit's website.

bandScores is not affiliated with any of these circuits nor WGI. All data in the dashboard was obtained from publicly available sources. Ultimately, the circuits are the final source of truth for all scores and any data in this dashboard should not be considered as official metrics.

  • AIA (North Carolina)

  • AMAA (Arkansas)

  • CCGC (Northern California)

  • CIPA (Central Tennessee)

  • CWEA (Carolinas)

  • ETPAA (East Tennessee)

  • FFCC (Central Florida)

  • GCGPC (Northwest Florida/Alabama)

  • HWAA (Nebraska/South Dakota)

  • IHSCGA (Indiana)

  • IIC (Idaho)

  • IIMA (Iowa)

  • KIDA (East Pennsylvania)

  • LMCGPC (Louisiana/Mississippi)

  • MAC (Connecticut/New York)

  • MAIN (New Jersey/Pennsylvania)

  • MCCGA (Missouri)

  • MCGC (Michigan)

  • MEPA (Ohio)

  • MIA (Mississippi)

  • Midwest CGC (Illinois/Wisconsin)

  • MYCGC (New York)

  • NCBA (Northern California)

  • NECGC (New York)

  • NESBA (New England)

  • NNIA (Northern Nevada)

  • North Star (Minnesota/Wisconsin)

  • NTCA (North Texas)

  • OIPA (Ohio)

  • PPA (Washington)

  • PPAACC (Central California)

  • RMCGA (Colorado)

  • SAPA (Georgia)

  • SCGC (Tennessee/Alabama)

  • SFWGA (South Florida)

  • SJVCGPR (Northern California)

  • SVWAA (Central California)

  • TCGC (Central Texas)

  • TECA (South/Central Texas)

  • TMA (Kentucky/Ohio/Indiana)

  • TRWEA (Western Pennsylvania)

  • Utah CGC (Utah)

  • WCWG (Southern California)

  • WGA (Arizona)

  • WGASC (Nevada/Southern California)

  • WGPO (Oklahoma)

  • WTCGA (West Texas)